Community Guidelines

At xaround, we truly strive to contribute to human progress by empowering people to express themselves and share genuine insights while having fun together, as a community. We created these Community Guidelines to support our mission by encouraging the broadest range of self-expression while also at the same time, making sure everyone can use our service safely every day. These Guidelines apply to all content on the app. In certain cases, we won’t take action against content when it is newsworthy and relates to a matter of political, social, or other general concern to our community.

Harassment & Bullying

We have zero tolerance for bullying or harassment of any kind. Instead, we encourage constructive criticism. We acknowledge that sometimes criticism with good intentions may be falsely interpreted as bullying and harassment. Since it depends on the context, our moderators will manually judge them. Don’t post or comment with the intention of making someone feel bad. Don’t share personal or contact information of other people without their knowledge and consent.

Threats, Violence & Harm

Don’t threaten to harm a person, a group of people, or someone’s property. Encouraging violence is prohibited on xaround. Don't submit posts or comments of gratuitous violence, including animal abuse. We don’t allow the glorification of self-harm, including the promotion of self-injury or eating disorders.

Impersonation & Spam

Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not — this includes your friends, celebrities, brands, or other organizations — or attempt to deceive people about who you are. We prohibit spam and deceptive practices, including content that imitates xaround's advertisement formats.

Hate Speech & False Information

Don't post any content that demeans, defames, or promotes discrimination or violence on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or veteran status. We prohibit malicious deception and deliberately spreading false information that causes harm, such as denying the existence of tragic events.

Illegal Content

Don’t use xaround for any illegal activities — including to buy or sell illegal drugs, contraband, counterfeit goods, or illegal weapons.


Terrorist organizations are prohibited from using our platform and we have no tolerance for content that advocates or advances terrorism. Please remember that you can always file a report using our in-app reporting feature. We review these reports to determine whether there is a violation of these Guidelines and any action needs to be taken. If you violate these Community Guidelines, we may remove the offending content, mute your account, and/or notify law enforcement. If your account is muted for violating our Terms of Service or these Guidelines, you may still use the app but your account can no longer create a post or comment. Please take these Guidelines seriously and honor them in the spirit in which they are intended. We’ll do our best to enforce them consistently and fairly, and ultimately we’ll try to do what we think best reflects these values in each situation in our sole discretion.

If you have any questions, do email me at

Last Updated: May 30, 2023